Soil Of The Heart
Soil Of The Heart
December 29, 2024
Soil of the Heart
Matthew 13:1-23
Preparing for Sunday:
As we come to the Word of God in Matthew 13 this morning, the goal is simple: I want you to perceive the honest condition of your heart today before the Lord. How have you changed over time in your relationship with Him? Would you say you’ve grown closer to Him or further from Him? Are you still changing, being formed into the image of Christ...or has your growth been stunted?
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Incarnation: The Mystery of Christmas
Part 4: Lord of All
December 22, 2024
Lord of All
Philippians 2:9-11
Preparing for Sunday:
This Sunday we conclude our Christmas series on the INCARNATION: THE MYSTERY OF CHRISTMAS. This final Sunday before Christmas we come to v.9-11 of Philippians 2. Here Jesus is exalted above all things, demanding universal worship! He desires to have all creation bow down to Him alone. Will you join in this? Join us Sunday as we consider our pivotal confession of Jesus Christ as “Lord.”
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Part 3: Wonder of Grace
December 15, 2024
Wonder of Grace
Philippians 2:8
Preparing for Sunday:
This Sunday we enter our third week of four in our Christmas series on the INCARNATION: THE MYSTERY OF CHRISTMAS. The first two weeks we looked at the WHO of the incarnation, but this Sunday we will look at the WHY of the incarnation. We will be captivated by astounding grace from a God who goes far beyond what was expected in the name of love. Join us Sunday as we inch closer to Christmas!
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Part 2: Marvel of Nature
December 8, 2024
Marvel of Nature
Philippians 2:5-11
Preparing for Sunday:
This Sunday we enter our second week of four in our Christmas series on the INCARNATION: THE MYSTERY OF CHRISTMAS. Last week we studied the deity of Jesus, and this week we will study the humanity of Jesus. More importantly, we will see how Jesus’ decision to humble Himself results in our salvation! Come join us this Sunday!
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Part 1: The Word Of God
December 1, 2024
The Word of God
Philippians 2:5-11
Preparing for Sunday:
This Sunday we start a four-week series on the INCARNATION: THE MYSTERY OF CHRISTMAS. We will be looking deep into the person of Jesus, why He came, what He uniquely accomplished, and what it means for us. We will be using Philippians 2:5-11 as our text for the month. Here in beautiful detail we see the incarnation of Christ. Join us on Sunday as we start our journey through the Advent season!
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Acts: The Movement Of God
Two Takeaways from Acts
November 24, 2024
Two Takeaways from Acts
Acts 2:42-47
Preparing for Sunday:
We come to our final Sunday in the book of Acts. I must say I was sad as I finished up the conclusion of my sermon. This book is so important for the identity, health and mission of the church. This final week we will look at two final takeaways from Acts. One has to do with prayer, and the other has to do with generosity. The Gospel speaks heavily into both of these topics! Join us Sunday to see how!
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The End of the Beginning
November 3, 2024
The End of the Beginning
Acts 28:17-31
Preparing for Sunday:
This Sunday we wrap up our verse-by-verse study of Acts! Throughout this dramatic narrative, we’ve witnessed the rapid movement of the Gospel. It started in Jerusalem and got all the way to Rome! Churches in every major city were planted and multiplying. And the Word of God was increasing everywhere. Perhaps the greatest takeaway is that the Gospel is unstoppable when God’s Spirit is in control of the believer. Join us this Sunday as we conclude this epic journey in Acts!
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Stranded, but not Abandoned
October 27, 2024
Stranded, but not Abandoned
Acts 28:1-20
Preparing for Sunday:
We are nearing the end of our study through the book of Acts! This week we land in Acts 28:1-10, where we find Paul and his companions stranded on the island of Malta. This could easily be a time to descend into despair, but Paul keeps his faith in God. While he’s stranded, he knows he’s not abandoned. While on this island, Paul and the others experience the rich provision of God. Join us on Sunday as we consider how God provides richly for us along the detours of our lives.
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Finding Faith in the Storms of Life
October 20, 2024
Finding Faith in the Storms of Life
Acts 27
Preparing for Sunday:
This Sunday, as we come to Acts 27, we will address two questions: (1) How do storms challenge our faith? and (2) how does our faith challenge the storm? In this chapter we join the Apostle Paul out on the high waves of the Mediterranean Sea in the midst of a massive northeaster storm! We will learn how to handle the storms of life with a faith anchored deep in Christ. Join us Sunday, and bring a friend to join you!
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The Problem of Procrastination
October 13, 2024
The Problem of Procrastination
Acts 24:22-27
Preparing for Sunday:
Do you have a problem with putting things off that need to get done? We all from time to time struggle with procrastination, some more than others. There are many things we can let slide that don’t have drastic consequences, but one that cannot linger is our salvation. In Acts 24, Paul gets a visit in prison from an unlikely person: Governor Felix. Seizing the opportunity, Paul preached the Gospel! However, despite Felix feeling the conviction of the Spirit, he put off a confession of faith. Join us Sunday as consider the “Problem of Procrastination”
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Encouragement Amidst Difficulties
October 6, 2024
Encouragement Amidst Difficulties
Acts 23:1-35
Preparing for Sunday:
We all need encouragement amidst difficulties, the Apostle Paul included. In Acts 23, Paul stands trial before the enraged Jewish Council. In a moment of great need, again Jesus comes to stand beside him and say, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.” Here Paul is reminded of God’s presence, God’s promise, and God’s will. He’s given what he needs to keep going. We, too, need encouragement like this to keep going, and God is ready to give it. Join us Sunday to be encouraged in the Lord!
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God Gave You a Story to Give Away
September 29, 2024
God Gave You a Story to Give Away
Acts 22:1-21
Preparing For Sunday:
God has given all of us a story, one that He has crafted by His grace. But our stories are not meant to be kept to ourselves. They are to be shared with others. Here’s the point: God gave you a story to give it away to the world! In Acts 22, Paul is given an opportunity to speak to the Jews in Jerusalem. Interestingly, he doesn’t first share the Gospel. Instead, he shares his story of the Gospel’s work in his life. He gave his story away to the world! God is telling us to do the same. Join us Sunday to learn why your story matters and how to give it away to others. |
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The Will of the Lord Be Done
September 15, 2024
The Will of the Lord Be Done
Acts 21:1-14
Preparing For Sunday:
What is God’s will for your life? Could there be a more loaded question than that? In Acts 21, multiple people are persuading Paul to not continue on to Jerusalem. It’s certain that severe persecution awaits him. Yet even in knowing this, Paul presses forward toward his destination. Finally, his friends throw their hands up and confess, “Let the will of the Lord be done.” Join me on Sunday to consider how you can let the will of the Lord be done in your life, too! |
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Gospel Ministry
September 8, 2024
Gospel Ministry
Acts 20:17-38
Preparing For Sunday:
What would you say to someone if you knew you would never see them again? This Sunday we will consider Paul’s final words to the Ephesian elders, knowing he’d never see them again. More than anything Paul desires their church to be healthy, and in Acts 20:17-38 he gives us three things that make for a healthy church. Join us on Sunday to discover what we can do to make Westview Church an even better church! |
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How to Overcome Idols
September 1, 2024
How to Overcome Idols
Acts 19:21-41
Preparing For Sunday:
How can we overcome the idols in our life? We first have to admit that we all have them. John Calvin says, “The human heart is a perpetual idol factory.” In Acts 19:21-41, Paul and his companions are caught up in a culture of idols. Here we learn how to define an idol, how to discover an idol in our own lives, and how to overcome the idols we discover. Bring a friend, and join us on Sunday for worship!
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The Power of God's Word
August 25, 2024
The Power of God's Word
Acts 19
Preparing For Sunday:
How important is the Bible to your spiritual growth? Is it possible to be a thriving Christian without consistent time in the Word of God? This Sunday we will look at Acts 19 to see three ways the Word of God affects us. My prayer is that it challenges you to either increase your time in the Bible or change how you read the Bible. See you Sunday!
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Keep on Speaking
August 18, 2024
Keep on Speaking
Acts 18:1-11
Preparing For Sunday:
I think we all have times when we feel like quitting. We lack the endurance necessary to keep pressing on. Did you know the Apostle Paul also felt like quitting? After arriving in Corinth in Acts 18 and yet again being rejected by so many, Paul was ready “to throw in the towel.” Yet it was here that the Lord spoke to him in a vision. Join us on Sunday to learn what God said so that Paul continued boldly proclaiming the Gospel!
Remember also that our service this Sunday will be condensed so that we can all transition together to the Albert City Pool for baptisms at 11:15 AM.
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God's Revelation and Our Response
August 4, 2024
God's Revelation and Our Response
Acts 17:16-34
Preparing For Sunday:
God has revealed Himself in many ways, both in nature and in His Word. And His revelation requires our response. That response in particular is repentance: Our turning from sin and our embracing of Jesus as Savior and Lord. In Acts 17:16-34, Paul confronts the ignorance of the idol-worshipping Athenians with the Gospel-centered revelation of God’s Word. He then calls them to repentance. Join us on Sunday to learn of three relevant ways God has revealed Himself, resulting in your response of repentance!
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When What We Believe is Challenged
July 28, 2024
When What We Believe Is Challenged
Acts 17:1-15
Preparing For Sunday:
Every heart responds differently to the Gospel. Some reject it; some receive it. In Acts 17:1-15 we have both responses. The Jews in Thessalonica reject the Good News, but the Jews in Berea accept it. In fact they are eager to learn more! How could these two areas, about 45 miles apart, have such different responses? A person’s reception or rejection of the Gospel is far more than an issue of the mind or will. Join us Sunday to understand the root causes of our response to the Gospel!
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Called to Serve
July 21, 2024
Called to Serve
Acts 16:6-40
Preparing For Sunday:
All of us are called to serve the Lord, and each in his or her own way. In Acts 16, Paul, accompanied by Silas and Timothy, ventures out on his second missionary journey. These men also want to serve the Lord, but must learn three essential habits of service: listening, obeying, and enduring. We also must learn these habits if our service to God is to be fruitful. Join us on Sunday as we explore these habits in more detail and learn how our lives can produce the most fruit!
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How Good is Good Enough?
July 14, 2024
How Good is Good Enough?
Acts 15:1-21
Preparing For Sunday:
How good is good enough? Do we really believe and live as if the atonement alone affirms our acceptance before God? If we don’t, we begin, often subconsciously, plummeting into burdens of stress and striving—working to achieve acceptance. In Acts 15, the early church leaders gather in Jerusalem to settle this very issue: Are we saved purely by God’s grace alone through faith alone, or are our works in some way incumbent to the process? Join us Sunday to consider the depths of our sin and the even greater depths of God’s grace.
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Through Many Trials We Must Enter the Kingdom of God
July 7, 2024
Through Many Trials We Must Enter the Kingdom of God
Acts 14
Preparing For Sunday:
What is the relationship between joy and suffering in the Christian life? Could there even be such a connection? The overwhelming witness of the New Testament is that believers will suffer for their faith and yet we are still to rejoice in all circumstances. How is that even possible? In Acts 14, after much persecution, Paul and Barnabas begin their trip back home by again going through all the cities they just visited. And the heart of their message is this: “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” This Sunday we will look at the fact of suffering, the purpose of suffering, and our response to suffering, with a special emphasis on the joy to be found amidst it. I hope to see you there!
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Getting God's Guidance
June 30th, 2024
Getting God's Guidance
Acts 13:1-12
Preparing For Sunday:
Have you ever wanted God’s guidance on something specific? Have you felt that sometimes He seems to be silent? In Acts 13 the disciples were seeking God’s guidance as to what to do and where to go next. Instead of rushing ahead, they decided to wait back in patient trust. Join us on Sunday to see how they waited and then how the Holy Spirit guided.
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The Christ Of Every Crisis
June 23rd, 2024
The Christ Of Every Crisis
Acts 12: 1-11
Preparing For Sunday:
How do you handle a crisis? Are you in the midst of one right now? The beauty of the Gospel is that it is relevant in all areas of life, even the hard ones. In Acts 12, the early church faces its first real crisis. James, the apostle, is killed, and Peter is imprisoned. How did this movement of believers respond to this crisis? Join us on Sunday to see!
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First Called Christians
June 9th, 2024
First Called Christians
Acts 11: 19-30
Preparing For Sunday:
In Acts 11, the Gospel continues to go out to new people. In particular, we find the Gospel going out to a new city called Antioch. It’s here that the Good News, like a seed, settles into the ground, grows into a young plant, and then flourishes in abundance. It’s in Antioch that the disciples are first called Christians, a name that has stuck until today. We have things to learn from this early example of a fresh, vibrant church. Join us on Sunday to see what they are!
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God Shows No Partiality
May 26th, 2024
God Shows No Partiality
Acts 10
Preparing For Sunday:
Sometimes we think we are a little better than we really are. In Acts 10, Peter is confronted with his own egotism against the Gentiles. God gives him a vision to correct his vision of others. In the end, he realizes that God shows no partiality but accepts everyone. Is there anyone you struggle to accept? Is there anyone you subtly judge? How does the Gospel come to bear on this issue? Join us on Sunday to see!
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The Persecutor Becomes The Proclaimer
May 19th, 2024
The Persecutor Becomes the Proclaimer
Acts 9:1-19
Preparing For Sunday:
What’s so amazing about grace? Simple answer: None of us deserve it, but God still gave it. Even when we were enemies of God, He still reached down to us in love. No story in Scripture more vividly portrays this reality than the conversion of Saul in Acts 9:1-19. God took a man on a journey to persecute and transformed him into man who proclaims! If God can do that for Saul, then He can do it for anyone. Join us Sunday to marvel together at the amazing grace of God.
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Living According To The Spirit
May 12th, 2024
Living According to the Spirit
Acts 8:26-40
Preparing For Sunday:
What does it mean to live according to the Spirit? In Acts 8:26-40 we encounter the example of Philip who demonstrates how to do this. We will learn four specific ways that we can start living according to the Spirit today. We will also encounter God’s heart for each individual soul. God is always willing to leave the 99 to go after the one, which is just what we see in this passage. I hope to see you on Sunday!
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Stephen’s Victorious Death
April 28th, 2024
Problem Solving In The Church
Acts 7:54-8:1
Preparing For Sunday:
Have you ever thought of defeats as victories? What the world may see as a loss may actually be a triumph in the eyes of God! This Sunday we will look at Acts 7:54-60 to see the victorious death of Stephen, the first martyr for Christ in the New Testament. You will see how God filled him with the Holy Spirit to be a strong witness before a murderous mob. And God strengthens us, too, to be bold witnesses before others! Join us on Sunday to learn more!
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The King is Coming
April 21st, 2024
The King Is Coming
Psalm 2
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Problem Solving In The Church
April 14th, 2024
Problem Solving In The Church
Acts 6:1-7
Preparing For Sunday:
In Acts 6:1-7 the church faces a new challenge from within: Potential division over a complaint that’s brought up. How we respond when problems arise in the church is so important, and I think the apostles responded wisely. Join us on Sunday to learn what they did to avoid division and bitterness. As a result, the Gospel continued to go out, and more and more disciples came to faith in Jesus.
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We Must Obey God Rather Than Men
April 7th, 2024
We Must Obey God Rather Than Men
Acts 5:17-42
Preparing For Sunday:
Persecution continues to ramp up in Acts 5:17-42. The religious leaders double down on their efforts, and God keeps opening doors (literally!) for the Gospel. As a result, we see the contrast in the reactions of both groups: The religious leaders are jealous, perplexed, and enraged, while the Christians are peaceful, bold, and joyous. And throughout this narrative it’s clear which group God supports! Join us Sunday as we consider how we can better react to the good work God wants to do in us and through us!
When Sin Entered The Church
March 24th, 2024
When Sin Entered The Church
Acts 5:1-11
Preparing For Sunday:
This Sunday is Palm Sunday; however, the biblical theme of this momentous day will be presented in our evening service. In the morning, we will continue our study through Acts by looking at chapter 5:1-14. Here, we witness the first sin mentioned in the life of the early church. Ananias and Sapphira, in an attempt to look better than they really were, held back part of what they sold their property for. At the root of this secret sinful activity is both hypocrisy and pride. We all want to appear better than we really are. Yet this self-centered desire can cost us dearly and even harm the purity of God’s mission in our church. Join us this Sunday to see the effects of this sin and the heart of God to protect us from sin.
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A Call To Courage
March 17th, 2024
A Call To Courage
Acts 4:1-31
Preparing For Sunday:
On a scale from 0-10, how courageous would you say you are? Most of us, conditioned as we are within our “cozy culture,” have been naturally programmed to shy away from risk. However, in our passage for Sunday (Acts 4:1-31), we will see the early disciples doing the exact opposite. Rather than praying for peace, they pray for boldness! This Sunday, we will study what courage is and how to increase it. More than ever, we need this. More than ever, we need to pray for boldness!
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The Necessity Of Repentance
March 3rd, 2024
The Necessity Of Repentance
Acts 3:11-26
Preparing For Sunday:
What is repentance, and why is it so important? This Sunday, we will look at Acts 3:11-26 to uncover four reasons we should repent. Here, we see God’s strong plea that the Jews repent. Peter says, “But you denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this, we are witnesses.” When the Jews repent, Jesus returns. And in a similar way, when we repent, Jesus returns to us—We get to experience the blessing He really is. I hope to see you on Sunday!
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Living In The Flow Of The Spirit
February 25th, 2024
Living In The Flow Of The Spirit
Acts 3:1-10
Preparing For Sunday:
This Sunday, we will be joined by Mike Shields, our Central District Superintendent within the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). The Central District is composed of Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and the southeastern corner of South Dakota. Our district is the most historic and perhaps the most vibrant EFCA district nationwide. We are blessed to be where we are! Mike will be speaking on Acts 3:1-10. He will teach us about the kinds of people God uses to accomplish His powerful acts. I hope you can join us for this encouraging time!
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This Is What It's Supposed To Look Like
February 18th, 2024
This Is What It's Supposed To Look Like
Acts 2:42-47
Preparing For Sunday:
Do you ever wonder if our church experience lines up with that of the early church in Acts? This Sunday, we will study Acts 2:42-47 to get a beautiful picture of the beginnings of the Christian movement. What are we getting right? What can we still learn and apply? I hope to see you Sunday as we consider this essential conversation!
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We Demand An Explanation
February 11th, 2024
We Demand An Explanation
Acts 2:14-41
Preparing For Sunday:
Do you ever wish your ministry for Jesus was more effective? This Sunday we are looking at Acts 2:14-41 to see what made Peter’s sermon so effective. We will notice certain elements of what he says that grabs his listeners’ ears, enables them to grasp the Truth, and encourages them to grapple with how to respond. In the end, 3,000 souls were saved! God can use you, too. His Word is alive! Let’s learn together how we can best steward its potential!
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The Coming of the Spirit
February 4th, 2024
The Coming Of The Spirit
Acts 2:1-13
Preparing For Sunday:
How supernatural would you say your experience is as a Christian? Do you sometimes feel there’s a power and presence of God you’re missing? In Acts 2:1-13 we encounter a supernatural event when the Holy Spirit suddenly descends upon God’s people. What’s certain is that they would never be the same! God doesn’t want us left the same, either. Our lives are meant to evidence the supernatural! Join us on Sunday to see how to experience this reality in your life.
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The Preparation for What Was to Come
January 28th, 2024
The Preparation for What Was to Come Acts
Acts 1:12-26
Preparing For Sunday:
Have you ever been caught off guard by the sudden arrival of something? Usually it means you’re not prepared for such an encounter! However, the disciples in Acts 1:12-26 set an example for us of how to prepare for what’s to come. In this case, it was the coming of the Holy Spirit! On Sunday, we will learn principles from their preparation so we too can be prepared for the Spirit’s sudden activity in our life. This will be a Communion Sunday, so come ready to receive from the Lord!
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The Tipping Point
January 21st, 2024
The Tipping Point
Acts 1:1-11
Preparing For Sunday:
Last week, we began our new series on the Book of Acts. We said that God has given each of us a power-filled purpose: To be a witness of Jesus’ resurrection to a lost world. This week, we are going to see three steps from Acts 1:1-11 on how to fulfill this purpose in our lives. But even beyond our work is the work of the Holy Spirit. When He comes, a “tipping point’ ensues, and the world has never been the same…we have never been the same. Join us Sunday to see how the Spirit changes everything and the steps we can take to share in His work.
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The Tipping Point
January 14th, 2024
The Tipping Point
Acts 1:1-11
Preparing For Sunday:
Last week, we began our new series on the Book of Acts. We said that God has given each of us a power-filled purpose: To be a witness of Jesus’ resurrection to a lost world. This week, we are going to see three steps from Acts 1:1-11 on how to fulfill this purpose in our lives. But even beyond our work is the work of the Holy Spirit. When He comes, a “tipping point’ ensues, and the world has never been the same…we have never been the same. Join us Sunday to see how the Spirit changes everything and the steps we can take to share in His work.
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A Power-Filled Purpose
January 7th, 2024
A Power Filled Purpose
Acts 1:1-11
Preparing For Sunday:
What is your purpose for living? Is it bigger than yourself, your family, or your job? How does it relate to what God is doing in the world? These are the questions we will address this Sunday as we launch into our new series in the Book of Acts. We will see that God has a power-filled purpose for all of us. It should change how we live and how we relate to everyone. Join us Sunday to be encouraged and amazed at how God chooses to use you for accomplishing His great purpose for the world!
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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
November 10, 2024
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Preparing for Sunday:
Last Sunday, we finished our verse-by-verse study of Acts. We walked away with a sense of how unstoppable the Gospel is. It started in Jerusalem with 70 disciples and spread across the known world, even to Rome, in just three decades! How could that be? The answer to that question has everything to do with God’s Spirit living inside a Christian. Join us this Sunday as we examine a theology of the Holy Spirit and what it means for you today!
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Good Friday & Easter 2024
Good Friday
March 29thth, 2024
Good Friday
To watch, CLICK HERE
Swallowed Up In Victory
March 31st, 2024
Easter Sunday, Swallowed Up In Victory
1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Preparing For Sunday:
This Sunday is Easter, and we get to celebrate what makes us Christians more than anything else — the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! We will look at 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 to see that “death is swallowed up in victory.” Death has always been the great devourer…until Christ came and defeated it! As a result, believers everywhere receive the resurrection benefits of Christ. This Sunday, we will work through the results of Christ’s resurrection for each of us. I hope to celebrate this alongside you this Sunday!
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