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A discipleship pathway is our simple way to encourage every person to take their next step forward in their walk with Jesus!
This pathway is cyclical and progresses clockwise. It boils down to these four things:
  1. Know God
  2. Find Community
  3. Make Disciples
  4. Impact the World

We believe there are unique systems (or programs) our church offers that specifically focus on accomplishing each of these four goals: 

  1. First, we want you to KNOW GOD in Worship Gatherings. This is our Sunday morning service. It’s the first place to attend if you’re new. It’s where we place our highest priority. It’s here that you hear from God, worship God, and grow your relationship with God. 
  2. Secondly, we want you to FIND COMMUNITY. This happens in all ministries, but it especially happens in Sunday School and Life Groups. It’s here that you move from acquaintances to friendships. Everyone needs to move from “big church” to “small church” (from rows to circles) to be truly known, loved, and supported in their walk with Jesus. 
  3. Thirdly, we want you to MAKE DISCIPLES. This primarily means growing in your own walk with Jesus! This again happens in all our ministries but happens best in our Discipleship Groups. These are same-gender groups of 3-5 that meet weekly for accountability and commitment in seeking accelerated spiritual growth. Few things will encourage you to grow more than these small, safe D-Groups!
  4. Lastly, we want you to IMPACT THE WORLD. This happens through Evangelism, Service, and Missions. We all need to find a way to be salt and light to a darkened, hopeless world. Our church offers various ministries that aim to accomplish just this!

As stated before, this discipleship pathway is intentionally cyclical. We never move beyond knowing God or finding community. We need all four of these continually to be the people God has called us to be. 


When our focus is set on these four simple goals, we won’t miss the forest for the trees. We will begin to zero in on the beautiful purpose in all we do at our church. This vision will give us the conviction to say NO to unnecessary things and YES to important things. In the end, we will be better followers of Jesus. What more could we want?